CLUELESS, THE MUSICAL at the Trafalgar Theatre is a new musical comedy based on the Paramount Pictures classic film. The modern spin on Jane Austen’s Emma gets another timeless makeover from the original film’s writer-director alongside a majorly acclaimed creative...
The long-running West End hit returns to Cliffs Pavilion, Southend! When Professor Goodman, arch-sceptic out to debunk the paranormal, embarks on an investigation of three apparent hauntings – as recounted by a night-watchman, a teenage boy, and a businessman awaiting...
You have been summoned for jury service. Accused of murdering a widow to inherit her wealth, will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony? Will he be able to convince the jury, and you, of his innocence and escape the hangman’s...
Created by ABBA’s Björn Ulvaeus, MAMMA MIA! THE PARTY is a theatrical dining experience like no other, set to a timeless soundtrack brimming with some of ABBA’s greatest hits. Join us on the island of Skopelos and take your seats...